Immacolata and related historical notes
Each of us in Sicily and beyond, having arrived on December 8th, lends itself to celebrating and honoring the Immaculate Conception but, how much do we really know about it?
We'll reveal some gems about the paths of the soul 🤩
Imagine the scenario: 1854, Pope Pius IX issues the papal bull entitled “Ineffabils Deus” and so through this document the feast of the Immaculate Conception was established and secondarily celebrated.
We can affirm that this belief, however, has a much more ancient and Sicilian origin, in fact in February 1643, before the Pope decided, thanks to the Spanish rulers in Sicily, the viceroy Giovanni Alfonso Henriquez de Cabrera proclaimed the Immaculate Conception patron of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, thus establishing the celebration on December 8th.
From this moment on, every Sicilian, in every corner of the island, would have paid homage to and served the Immaculate Conception also because, at the time, it was the Palermo Senate itself that believed immensely in the "power" and faith towards the Immaculate Conception.
To date, many variations of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception take place around Sicily but all share a strong sense of faith and devotion accompanied by processions, rites, musical bands, large bonfires and above all typical FOOD!
The paths of the soul
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